Hi, I'm Owain West

Nice to meet you. Want my resumé?

I'm a computer scientist, coder, and communicator with special interest in formal logic, mathematics, and all things data.

I'm currently the leading Data Engineer at TickPick.

My unique academic and professional background affords me a novel vantage point, allowing me to bring serious technical, analytical, and interpersonal skills to any role.

Technologically, I have expertise in:

  • A number of programming languages (Python, Julia, SQL, OCaml, Rust, K), as well as a strong graduate-level understanding of algorithms and complexity
  • Data Engineering, with strong experience leading team engineering using Snowflake, Airflow, dbt, dockers/k8s, databricks, and numerous Azure services
  • Machine learning, with particular interest in ethical aspects — see some of my writing about fairness dynamics
  • Current NLP research and tools, and experience with industry application — see this patent
  • Formal methods and verification, eg in TLA+, and logic more generally — see this short, free textbook
  • Current bioinformatics and proteomics research tools+techniques, from BLAST to applied LLMs (language models)

While my primary personal interest is in formal logic, I also have deep interest in music, literature, mental health support and advocacy, photography, and wide areas of computer science, mathematics, and philosophy.

Please reach out the the email listed in my resumé if you'd like to get in touch.


You can find me in a number of places across the web.

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